Every cloud has a silver lining, and last night we had the opportunity to listen and hear the main choir of the LDO project singing again in public in Bolea (Huesca) within the Festival En el Camino de Santiago.
I was going to say “in spite of” but I prefer to use “thanks to” to tell you about how they made it possible. In the first place, they reduced the number of participants in order to space themselves, as required on the bus that took us from Luanco (Asturias) to Bolea (Huesca) and back. Secondly, something already quite obvious, rehearsing and singing in public with a mask, to which we better get used to. And thirdly, staying in single rooms and not in double rooms, with the consequent expense involved.
But I say “thanks to” because, otherwise, they would have stayed at home without having enjoyed the experience, without having been able to demonstrate what they are capable of and without confirming that, putting everyone on their side with the greatest positivism possible, everything can come to a good end.
We want to thank the Diputación de Huesca for the excelent organization and for broadcasting the concert live in streaming to the delight of those of us who stayed in Asturias in body but not in soul. And of course, to our agency Adela Sánchez Producciones, who always guides and supports us.
Thanks to the whole LDO, to those who went and to the ones who stayed, and to Marco y a Elena for so many good moments of masterful music with their respective choral groups.