The prestigious magazine Scherzo has made its selection of recordings of the year 2021, and the album of Guerrero: Magnificat, lamentations, motets and songs that El León de Oro recorded under the direction of Peter Phillips and Marco Antonio García de Paz, is among them.
Scherzo tells us:
El León de Oro. Conductors: Peter Phillips and Marco Antonio García de Paz. HYPERION 68347 (1 CD)
El León de Oro (38 voices for this occasion) is a tuning prodigy. As much as they are in spite of those other great (by proportion) Spanish choirs, who use in the comparison their condition of ‘professional’ as if dilettantism were a dishonorable scourge, there is not today in our country a choir that approaches the level of El León de Oro. Amazing album. Eduardo Torrico
Read the original article here: memoria-musical-2021-las-mejores-grabaciones-del-ano