The Festival and Academy of Medieval and Renaissance Music Early Music Morella has finished its 9th edition. It should be noted that this edition has been marked by the Covid-19 pandemic and the measures and protocols to avoid contagion. Still, it has been a success of participation in the different activities and concerts that have been held since July 17.
The Mayor of Morella, Rhamsés Ripollés, wanted to “thank the effort and dedication to celebrate this edition of Early Music Morella with the difficulties and extra tasks that it entails” and “congratulate the organization because, once again, the Festival has been a success with many people in all the concerts of the festival in the different locations of Morella ».
On the pedagogical side, the students have promoted their training with performers and artists such as Silke G. Schulze (alto capella and recorder), Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo (Gregorian chant), Marta Almajano (Renaissance and Baroque chant), Marco García de Paz and Francesc Gamón (choir and choral conduction), Pablo Márquez and Atsuko Takano (organ and harpsichord), Carles Magraner (vihuela de arco, viella and viola de gamba); Eduard Navarro (rondalla, double reed instruments, dulzainas and cleats), Aziz Samsaoui (modal music and Arabic-Andalusian, Kanún & oud) have taught in traditional music; and Toni Aparisi (dance and body expression).
Photographs of the concert In memoriam
Remembering the Covid-19 victims
EARLY MUSIC MORELLA choir, conducted by Marco Antonio García de Paz
Photos: Early Music Morella