Sunday, April 28, 7 pm
Auditorio Príncipe Felipe de Oviedo

El León de Oro, Coro Joven de Andalucía and Oviedo Filarmonía
Lucas Macías, conductor

The concerts of the Auditorium – Requiem Mass by Verdi

Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) – Messa da Requiem

Special date in which we will collaborate with two major groups, the Young Choir of Andalusia and the orchestra Oviedo Filarmonía, to perform the Requiem Mass of the Italian composer.

This work was composed by Giuseppe Verdi in honor of the famous poet Alessandro Manzoni, a friend of¡ his and for whom he had great admiration, not only for his literary genius but also for his political thought.

It is a sacred work which takes only some aspects of the liturgical structure, but it is by no means a religious work, but of a purely concertical character. It was premiered in the church of San Marco in Milan in 1874, the year of the first anniversary of Manzoni’s death. Loaded with all the Verdi opera drama, it was received with such success that it was performed in different theaters and concert halls during the following months, in the main European cities.